Press: Wired

Visions of Italy. We are inventing the world

09 November 2023
Press: Wired
This issue of Wired is dedicated to excellences in Italy. A truly special edition, it is packed with interviews and insight about Nobel prize winners, astronauts, philosophers and entrepreneurs and worth reading from cover to cover.
We offer you a teaser with the article “We are inventing Italy” by Antonio Dini, journalist and writer, and an expert in innovation, economy and the digital culture, to which we also contributed with the words of our art director Marco Andreoletti.
The author starts with a reflection that he himself defines as almost “banal”: if there’s something the Italians are good at, it’s design. This however is only the preamble to a story highlighting the manufacturing reality backstage that transforms the most visionary ideas into products and real applications.
But what does “design” mean?
The task of attempting to define its space and interiors goes to Luciano Galimberti, president of ADI, the industrial design association, who speaks of design as a system, a horizontal discipline in many professions and sectors. Integration skills right across the board are therefore key factors for development and innovation.
Andreoletti’s words should be set in this context, as he talks with the journalist about CMF design and surfaces conceived to communicate and arouse emotion. Our services—from creativity to engraving on moulds—integrate within this system, continuously dialoguing with the other professionals in the supply chain. From this point of view, digitalisation and our DRE® have facilitated communication and the vision of the general picture, namely the project as a whole.
To close, talking about the challenges brought by the advent of artificial intelligence, Galimberti has no doubts: “Italian designers are the boldest, the most daring”, and their advantage is being able to draw on Italy’s immense historical and cultural tradition.
Here we feel we must add that such freedom of expression is also based on the awareness that there will always be an equally daring manufacturing company that will say “we can do this!”

Read the full article: download here (Italian verrsion)