Our project is committed to developing an innovative ecosystem to accelerate industrial adoption of advanced nanotechnologies.

01 April 2023
NEWSKIN is involved in developing an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), i.e. a group of entities that provide common access to physical facilities, capabilities and services necessary for the development, testing and upscaling of nanotechnology and advanced materials in various industrial environments. 
The objective of Open Innovation Test Beds is to make nanotechnologies and advanced materials accessible to companies and users to advance from laboratory validation (TRL 4) to prototypes in industrial environments (TRL 7).
Open access in this context means that any interested user, from Europe and beyond, can access the test beds' facilities, capabilities and services independently of whether this user is part of an Open Innovation Test Beds Horizon 2020 consortium or not.
ML Engraving will handle testing of solutions developed by research institutes providing its expertise in industrial applications of surface nanostructures.
For more information:
Status: successfully closed
Durata: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2024. Extended up to 31/12/2024
Sito web:
Grant Agreement: 862100
Schema di Finanziamento: IA - Innovation Action
IA is a financial instrument that supports collaborative projects. The core activities of IA projects are demonstrative (testing, prototype development, scaling up, first market replication), where it will be necessary to “approach” the market.
Partners: The project is composed of 35 participants. The complete list is available here