Do You Texture

Follow our “social” creative lab on Instagram

01 June 2022
Do You Texture
There is something new on Instagram:, a profile managed by our texture artists and dedicated to our beloved finishes.
Textures are the undisputed stars of our work: we create an average of one new finishing a day at ML Engraving. We design every kind of texture such as geometric, organic, tactile and functional ones to enhance the surfaces of moulded objects.
We deal with requests from many sectors on a daily basis, all different: it is a stimulating challenge that we want to share with designers and aficionados to exchange impressions and ideas on the subject. 
We chose Instagram because it lets us express ourselves in many ways, eliminate distances and help build a lively and cohesive community around a specific topic. That’s why we decided to create virtual environments that recount our journey to discover the textures that are so fascinating to us. 
We’ll tell you about the fun facts and anecdotes that we have encountered along the way, but more importantly we guarantee creativity and inspiration. Because, after all, textures tell stories and, at the same time, there is a history, a genesis behind the creation of each finish. 
So let’s throw our pebble into this virtual sea, certain that some sailor will be curious about our question: